Issue - meetings
People Strategy Workshop
Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 60)
People Strategy Workshop
A verbal update will be provided by the Chief Officer (People and Resources).
That the update be received.
The Chief Officer (People and Resources) provided a verbal update on the People Strategy Workshop that had been held on 12th December 2014.
The current Strategy up to 2014 had identified five specific priorities and the Authority was now in a position to design the next phase of the Strategy for 2015 to 2018.
The purpose of the workshop had been to consider the key themes and the level of attendance, engagement and contribution had been pleasing. Four key themes had been identified which included professional development, policy & culture and skills & talent development and Members had been clear about the importance of managing skills for the future. The next stage would be for the Chief Officer Team to consider the themes and key priorities to ensure that they linked in with the business plans. The Chief Officer ((People and Resources) suggested that an interim report setting out the key themes and providing an update be submitted to the 12th February 2015 meeting of the Committee.
That the update be received.