Issue - meetings
Quarter 3 ImprovementPlan Monitoring Report (CP & P)
Meeting: 09/03/2015 - Community Profile & Partnerships OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 46)
46 Quarter 3 ImprovementPlan Monitoring Report PDF 58 KB
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That 2014/15 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report be received.
The Policy and Performance Manager introduced the 2014/15 Improvement Plan and the elements relevant to the Committee. The report covered October to December 2014. She advised that there was nothing of significance that required Members attention.
Councillors Ian Dunbar and Paul Shotton asked about possible funding for CCTV cameras in their wards which were due for replacement. The Policy and Performance Manager explained that the funding referred to in the report was for carrying out a feasibility study. The outcome of the analysis would be provided to Town and Community Councils who would be asked to consider decommissioning any CCTV cameras that were underutilised.
Councillor Brian Lloyd asked for details on ‘Eagle Eye’ which was a CCTV solution for monitoring multiple cameras. The Policy and Performance Manager said she had no details of that system but would look into it and provide Councillor Lloyd with any information. The Chair added that the Owl CCTV system had been rolled out to businesses in Flintshire.
That 2014/15 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report be received.