Issue - meetings

Update on the Development of the People Strategy 2015 - 18.

Meeting: 12/02/2015 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 73)

Update on the Development of the People Strategy 2015 - 18.

To receive a presentation from Chief Officer (People and Resources)


            That the presentation be received and progress endorsed.                            



The Chief Officer (People and Resources) provided a verbal update and a presentation on developing the next phase of the People Strategy 2015-18.  The main points of the presentation were: 


·         People Strategy successes

·         Setting the context for the Strategy

·         People Strategy 2015-18 Themes

·         People Strategy 2015-18 Priorities

·         People Strategy Member workshop – key outcomes

·         Professional Management and Leadership – key themes

·         Performance and Productivity – key themes

·         Policy Practice and Culture – key themes

·         Skills and Talent development – key themes

·         Next steps in developing the Strategy


The Chairman thanked the Chief Officer for her presentation and invited Members to raise questions. 


Councillor Richard Jones emphasised the importance of identifying the departmental training needs before determining the training needs of individual employees to avoid a mis-match between department and workforce requirements.


During discussion Officers responded to the comments made by Members around the ‘culture and generic practices’ in public service organisations.  Councillor Robin Guest expressed concern that despite the support, encouragement and training provided, some employees may still lack the required skill levels they needed to do their job.


                        The Chairman referred to the importance of making employees feel valued. He also commented on the need to ensure that training courses were focussed on the needs of the Council in the first instance. 


                        Councillor Paul Shotton asked for an update on progress with the collaborative work undertaken with Coleg Cambria.  The Chief Officer (People and Resources) explained that the Authority had a successful partnership with Coleg Cambria and referred to ongoing management programmes and development events provided by the college.     


Councillor Clive Carver asked if managers were encouraged to develop their own style and abilities of management or if a corporate style was to be adopted.  The Chief Officer explained that there were some core activities that managers were expected to undertake and deliver but a range of individual styles and approaches worked well.  In response to the further question raised by Councillor Carver concerning attendance management, the Chief Officer commented on the need for managers to comprehensively follow the attendance absence policy and for employees to understand how important attendance was and the need to fulfil their contract of employment.  




            That the presentation be received and progress endorsed.