Issue - meetings
Leisure Services Assets - Scoping Report
Meeting: 26/02/2015 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 57)
57 Leisure Services Assets - Scoping Report PDF 73 KB
(a) That the approach to managing the condition of leisure assets be noted;
(b) That a further report to provide details around the capital asset transfer programme be presented to the Committee in due course.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced a report to advise on the current position with the condition of leisure centres, and to provide a series of principles for moving forward a range of actions in relation to the centres.
The Principle Leisure Services Officer detailed the requirements for work following the most recent building condition surveys for the Council’s leisure facilities, together with the 2014/15 repairs and maintenance budget for each leisure centres, as shown in the report.
The Chief Officer advised that the current maintenance budget meant that leisure centres could address minor maintenance requirements and carry out some work related to Priority 2 requirements.
The Council was also progressing with a capital asset transfer programme and all leisure centres were included on the community asset list sent out to local communities. The key to this work was that good planning was done by the Council with any interested parties, to ensure the business model for how the facility was operated addressed the maintenance requirements.
In response to comments from Councillor Ian Dunbar on discussions around the possible community asset transfer of Connah’s Quay swimming pool, the Chief Officer advised that in this instance, the Council, together with any interested parties, would need to consider jointly how best to address the maintenance requirements at the point of transfer. This could include, the establishment of a sinking fund at the point of transfer, with a plan to increase the size of the sinking fund to address future maintenance requirements.
Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer commented on Holywell Leisure Centre. Whilst he supported the principle of establishing a sinking fund, he had concerns whether Holywell Town Council would be able to take on this facility and raise enough funds for its future maintenance. The Chief Officer explained that the total maintenance requirement figure would continue to be re-assessed up to the point of transfer. Discussions around community asset transfers were not only being held with Town and Community Councils, but with other interested stakeholder groups also.
Councillor Colin Legg questioned the 2014/15 budget allocated for repairs and maintenance at the Flint High School leisure facilities. The Principle Leisure Services Officer explained that this budget had been set, based on the previous year’s budgets.
In response to a question from Mrs. Rebecca Stark around vending machines at leisure facilities in high schools, the Principle Leisure Services Officer explained that the Council were in the process of assessing the current product range to ensure healthier options were available. He agreed to speak to Mrs. Stark on this issue following the meeting.
(a) That the approach to managing the condition of leisure assets be noted;
(b) That a further report to provide details around the capital asset transfer programme be presented to the Committee in due course.