Issue - meetings

Officer's Code of Conduct

Meeting: 03/03/2015 - Flintshire County Council (Item 113)

113 Officer's Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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That the report be deferred to the next available meeting of County Council.


Members received a report to consider a recommendation from the Constitution Committee to adopt a revised Officers’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Aaron Shotton proposed that the report be deferred to the next available County Council meeting as it did not fully reflect the recommendations agreed by the Constitution Committee in consideration of this item.  He explained that his request to defer the item would enable discussion with Group Leaders.  This was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.


As Chairman of the Constitution Committee, Councillor Robin Guest expressed his disappointment at not being given prior notice of the proposed deferment.


The Chief Executive clarified to Members his expectation of voluntary full disclosure from the Council’s senior officers on all interests to show transparency, as indicated at the Constitution Committee.


On being put to the vote, the proposal to defer the item was carried.




That the report be deferred to the next available meeting of County Council.



Prior to the next item, all Chief Officers were requested to leave the room due to the conflict of interest.  All officers except the Chief Executive, Lead Business Partner and Committee Officers left the room.