Issue - meetings

Community Review - Flint Mountain

Meeting: 14/04/2015 - Flintshire County Council (Item 128)

128 Community Review - Flint Mountain pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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That the Council recommends Option A to Cabinet as its preferred option as there is insufficient evidence to change the existing arrangements. 




The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report for Council to consider a report issued by the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (“Boundary Commission”) seeking views on three options for community boundaries for the Flint Mountain area. 


            He detailed the background to the report and explained that a review by the Council in 2013/14 had not proposed any change to the Flint Mountain area forming part of the Trelawny ward of the Community of Flint.  Representations had been made by residents to the Boundary Commission following the review to remove Flint Mountain from the Trelawny Ward.  Three options were then put forward by the Boundary Commission and these were detailed in the report.  Both Flint Town Council and Northop Community Council had been consulted and they each favoured no change to the current arrangements which was also the view of officers.


            Councillor Alex Aldridge expressed significant concern that the change to a boundary could be requested by as few as two people.  He felt that to retain Flint Mountain in the Trelawny Ward of the Community of Flint was the best option.  Councillor Marion Bateman stated that Northop Hall Community Council had met the previous evening and had confirmed that they agreed with option A – no change.


            The Chief Executive indicated that he would write to the Boundary Commission about the criteria for consulting on the proposed change to a boundary in the way conducted in this case.




That the Council recommends Option A to Cabinet as its preferred option as there is insufficient evidence to change the existing arrangements.