Issue - meetings
Review of Political Balance
Meeting: 03/03/2015 - Flintshire County Council (Item 110)
110 Review of Political Balance PDF 51 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Political Balance Calculations, item 110 PDF 43 KB
- Appendix 2 - Political Balance Table, item 110 PDF 66 KB
That the changes to political balance shown in Appendix 5 be agreed.
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced a review of the Council’s political balance calculations arising from a Member joining the Labour Group from the New Independent Group, based on the statutory rules listed in the report. Following completion of the report, a further Member had joined the Labour Group from the Independent Alliance Group, prompting a re-calculation of options set out in Appendix 4 which had been made available for Members’ consideration prior to the meeting.
Councillor Aaron Shotton’s proposal that Appendix 4 be adopted was seconded.
On behalf of the Independent Alliance Group, Councillor Mike Peers proposed an alternative option, Appendix 5, which was made available at the meeting, as this better represented the wishes of his group to retain two seats on the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee whilst losing a seat on the Licensing Committee. He advised that the Democracy & Governance Manager had confirmed that this option met the necessary legal requirements.
As a point of accuracy raised by Councillor David Roney, it was clarified that the total number of New Independent seats on Appendix 4 totalled 18 rather than 17.
Councillors Aaron Shotton and Bernie Attridge proposed an amendment that Appendix 5 be adopted. This became the substantive motion.
In response to queries raised by Councillors Dave Mackie and Robin Guest, the meeting was adjourned for five minutes to enable the figures to be checked on Appendix 5. Following the recess, the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that there were some inaccuracies on the original figures on Appendix 5, however the updated figures and totals at the bottom of the sheet were correct. Councillor Guest requested that an amended version of Appendix 5 be made available following the meeting.
On that basis, the substantive motion to approve Appendix 5 was put to the vote and carried.
That the changes to political balance shown in Appendix 5 be agreed.