Issue - meetings
Delivery of the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Service
Meeting: 20/05/2015 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
7 Delivery of the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Service PDF 89 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Private Sector Housing Renewal, item 7 PDF 39 KB
- Enc. 2 for Private Sector Housing Renewal, item 7 PDF 34 KB
That the Committee welcomes and endorses the activity of the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Service during 2014/15.
The Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager presented the report to update the Committee and seek views on the activity of the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Service during 2014/15.
In detailing the key considerations, he referred to the pressures around reduced funding and staff vacancies. Despite this, 2014/15 had been positive in terms of the range of interventions and support given by the service, which had retained its Customer Service Excellence accreditation. The report detailed plans to focus on reducing the timescale for the delivery of disabled adaptations whilst noting that customer satisfaction feedback remained high. The update also included progress on energy efficiency measures and management of the Social Housing Grant Programme as well as WG funding streams for Houses into Homes and Home Improvement Loans.
Following a question from Councillor Mike Reece on solid brick properties, Members were advised that information was currently awaited on the Arbed programme for the current year and that areas would need to be targeted according to that guidance.
Councillor Ian Dunbar welcomed the Group Repair Scheme and in particular the engagement of local contractors and apprenticeships. In response to a question on Renewal Area funding, the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager advised that the budget allocation was awaited, but was expected to be less than the £282K allocated for the previous year.
In response to comments by Councillor Dave Mackie on reference to commuted sums in the report, officers said that existing planning consents remained in place and that the Planning Strategy Group was due to review local planning guidance in relation to affordable housing.
Councillor George Hardcastle expressed his appreciation to the officer team for their work on home improvements and repairs.
That the Committee welcomes and endorses the activity of the Housing Regeneration & Strategy Service during 2014/15.