Issue - meetings
Flintshire Parking Strategies
Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 47)
47 Flintshire Parking Strategies PDF 71 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Flintshire Parking Strategies, item 47 PDF 884 KB
- Enc. 2 for Flintshire Parking Strategies, item 47 PDF 4 MB
- Enc. 3 for Flintshire Parking Strategies, item 47 PDF 4 MB
- Enc. 4 for Flintshire Parking Strategies, item 47 PDF 6 MB
That the item be deferred until a future meeting of the Committee.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced a report to seek a recommendation from the Committee to Cabinet to approve the Council’s Car Parking Strategy and the introduction of parking charges at all viable car parks within the ownership of the Council. The report also sought a recommendation from the Committee to Cabinet to approve a workplace parking permit scheme at specific facilities where staff parking overlaps with the local parking strategy
The Chief Officer provided background information and referred to the main considerations which were summarised in the report.
The Chief Officer introduced Joanna Jones, Parking Manager, and invited her to give a presentation on the Car Parking Strategy. The main points of the presentation were as follows:
- Proposal
- Local Strategies aims
- Feedback and outcome of recent workshops.
Councillor Ray Hughes spoke in support of the revenue raised through car parking charges being retained within the Authority in the current financial climate. He added that the Authority held responsibility for the maintenance of the car parks not Town and Community Councils.
The Cabinet Member for Environment emphasised that the figure of 10% proposed was after all monies for upkeep, wear and tear etc. had been deducted.
Councillor Nancy Matthews referred to the issue of prohibited return and expressed great concern at this proposal. She also felt there should be a standardisation of fees across the County and disagreed with the proposal to introduce grade related parking at County Hall and emphasised that charges should be in line with parking elsewhere in the County.
Councillor Peter Curtis reiterated the view that there should be a standardisation of charges across the County. He referred to the current arrangement in Holywell where there were no car parking charges on days when special events were held in the town. He commented on the need to regenerate business in the area and requested that the current dispensation on car parking charges continued in the future. The Cabinet Member for Environment did not anticipate a blanket approach with regard to free car parking during special events and said that each case could be considered individually.
Councillor Chris Dolphin spoke against the introduction of a workplace charging scheme at County Hall. He commented that the proposal was to introduce an affordable and equitable charging scheme and expressed the view that this should exclude employees who earned an income of £16k and below.
Councillor Dolphin referred to residents parking permits and asked what was the cost of the permit. The Parking Manager advised that the proposed fee was in the range of £25 to £30.
Councillor David Evans proposed that the item be deferred for consideration to a future meeting of the Committee due to the lack of clarity around the proposals put forward. The Chair asked if the Committee wished to hold a special meeting to consider the item and when put to the vote this was agreed.
That the item be deferred until a future meeting of the Committee.