Issue - meetings
Highways Asset Management Planning (HAMP) and Local Subsidence Schemes
Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 29)
29 Update on the Council's Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) PDF 95 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Highways Asset Management Planning (HAMP) and Local Subsidence Schemes, item 29 PDF 97 KB
- Enc. 2 for Highways Asset Management Planning (HAMP) and Local Subsidence Schemes, item 29 PDF 280 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment provided an update on the progress made on the Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) Improvement Plan and sought approval for the targeted allocation of both revenue and capital funding to the most appropriate asset on the network, utilising the principles of the HAMP to guide the outcome.
In January 2012 Welsh Government (WG) announced a new initiative to provide additional highway funding to each Council in Wales to address the long standing maintenance backlog and carry out significant highways improvements on the network. The Council used its HAMP to inform the bids that were submitted to WG to secure £8.4m of funding. To ensure that funding was targeted at the assets with the greatest need, an internal risk workshop assessed the key risks associated with each individual asset on the network which included: structures; street lighting; carriageway and footways.
A risk workshop would take place on 9 June 2015 to risk score all of the individual asset requirements which prioritised the work required and to ensure those schemes with the greatest economic and environmental benefits were put forward against the various allocations.
A table in the report showed the provisional allocation of this year’s budget of £1,589,000 to deal with this year’s pressures. In addition to the ongoing maintenance requirements of the network, five highway subsidence scheme had been identified which would require funding to prevent ultimate failure of key routes. Details of those schemes were outlined in the report.
Subject to the outcome of the workshop, the first scheme would be completed during the current year and the remaining subsidence scheme would be completed in priority order over the following years.
(a) That the updated Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) Improvement Plan be approved;
(b) That the reallocation of funding across the Highway Asset Groups as dictated by the risk based approach detailed in the report be approved; and
(c) That a further report be presented to Cabinet with the details of the individual annual asset allocations each year following the risk workshop.