Issue - meetings
Internal Audit Strategic Plan
Meeting: 18/03/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 62)
62 Internal Audit Strategic Plan PDF 52 KB
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That the report be approved.
The Internal Audit Manager presented the proposed Internal Audit plan for the three year period 2015/16 to 2017/18 and highlighted the key considerations for the Committee. The Plan would inform the annual opinion on the adequacy of the Council’s arrangements on risk management, control and corporate governance. Whilst highlighting the types of audits covered and departmental resources, it was pointed out that the Plan retained a degree of flexibility to respond to changes within the organisation during the period and that some ‘green’ rated low risk audits may be deferred to allow concentration on the higher risk areas in-year.
In response to a question from Mr. Paul Williams, the Internal Audit Manager indicated that he was satisfied with the level of resources in his section.
Councillor Glyn Banks referred to the personnel implications in the report. The Internal Audit Manager explained that the Audit Plan was based on current departmental resources. The Chief Executive confirmed that the current level of resources would be maintained without further review at the present time, however any proposed changes would involve consultation with the Committee due to the impact on the Audit Plan.
That the report be approved.