Issue - meetings
Foward Work Programme (Lifelong Learning)
Meeting: 26/03/2015 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 67)
67 Forward Work Programme PDF 80 KB
Additional documents:
That the Forward Work Programme be noted.
The Housing and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the forward work programme of the Committee. She informed Members that it had been agreed that the next meeting of the Committee on 30 April, would be held at Hawarden High School. The Facilitator explained that an e-mail setting out the arrangements for a short tour of the School would be sent to Members prior to the meeting.
Members considered the Forward Work Programme and it was agreed that the following items would be considered at the next meeting:
- Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GwE)
- Medium Term Plan for Libraries
- Draft Improvement Plan 2015/16
Councillor Ron Hampson suggested that the Committee receive a report on the recent press articles about the £3m spent on sickness for teachers. It was agreed that a short briefing note on this matter together with a copy of the Cabinet report which detailed the level of sickness be circulated to the Committee for information.
Councillors Nancy Matthews and Carolyn Thomas suggested that a report on prudential borrowing for the schools repairs and maintenance budget also be brought forward from the meeting scheduled to be held on 16 July 2015 to the meeting on 30 April 2015. The Chairman agreed with the suggestion.
That the Forward Work Programme be noted.