Issue - meetings

New Customer Services Policy

Meeting: 21/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 154)

154 New Customer Services Policy pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) introduced the new Customer Services Policy which provided a commitment to customers that when they accessed Council services they would receive consistently excellent standards of customer service.


The standards set out in the policy were the minimum that customers could expect from the Council, alongside individual services which may produce additional service specific standards or targets that were more relevant to the service they provided or the customers they served.


The draft policy was considered at Corporate Resrouces Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 December 2014 where only minor changes were suggested and had been included in the amended policy.  A public consultation exercise had been undertaken with a limited resonse.




That the revised Customer Services Policy be approved. 


            The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance explained that the next four reports on the agenda were policy reports which were part of the proposed changes and strategy to aid achievement of the £18m savings required for the authority for the current year.  He expressed his frustration at the position the Council was in which was as a result of the level of cuts imposed on local authorities from a national level, adding that he feared the future of local Council services because of such measures.