Issue - meetings
Education for All
Meeting: 26/03/2015 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 64)
64 Education for All PDF 56 KB
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(a) That the action plans specific to the Education & Youth Improvement & Modernisation Strategy be presented to the Committee, when funding sources have been confirmed and programmes of activity mapped out;
(b) That a Task & Finish Group be created to help develop and evaluate policy options and proposed programmes; and
(c) That a report, outlining the proposed terms of reference and seeking nominations to the Task & Finish Group be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.
The Head of Inclusion Service introduced a report to advise on the proposed activity to improve outcomes for pupils and maintain a higher number of placements within Flintshire’s mainstream settings. She provided background information and advised that activities had been undertaken with headteachers and school-based staff to identify the difficulties which resulted in children and young people failing to maintain their mainstream placements.
The Head of Service referred to the key considerations which were detailed in the report and advised that access to an appropriate curriculum within the secondary setting was considered essential to maintaining engagement and securing better pupil outcomes. Additional funding to support access to a more personalised curriculum was potentially available through the Education Improvement Grant and the European Social Fund. Access to appropriate support was also integral to ensuring improved outcomes.
The Head of Service advised that the current provision offered through Flintshire’s pupil referral units was in need of review to ensure that it fully complemented the role of mainstream schools and provided a range of specialist interventions to support the maintenance of school placements.
During discussion the Head of Service responded to the comments and questions raised by members and referred to the need for early intervention to identify and track youngsters who were at risk of leaving their mainstream placement. She also commented on the range of opportunities to ensure that young people were accredited to gain employment going forward.
During further discussion it was agreed that a Task & Finish Group would be created to help develop and evaluate policy options and proposed programmes. The Housing and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator advised that a report, outlining the proposed terms of reference and seeking nominations to the Task & Finish Group would be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.
(a) That the action plans specific to the Education & Youth Improvement & Modernisation Strategy be presented to the Committee, when funding sources have been confirmed and programmes of activity mapped out;
(b) That a Task & Finish Group be created to help develop and evaluate policy options and proposed programmes; and
(c) That a report, outlining the proposed terms of reference and seeking nominations to the Task & Finish Group be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.