Issue - meetings
Housing Benefit Overpayment Policy
Meeting: 21/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 161)
161 Housing Benefit Overpayment Policy PDF 63 KB
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As detailed in the recommendation.
The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance provided details of the Council’s Housing Benefit Overpayments Policy 2015 which had been considered and supported at Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week.
The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) said the Council would seek to maximise recovery of overpaid Housing Benefit in accordance with the Authority’s legal responsibility and its duty to protect public funds. The recovery of Housing Benefit Overpayments was included in the Council’s Fair Debt Policy.
In developing the Policy, consideration had been given to the merits of specific cases and the need to exercise discretion in a fair and reasonable manner.
That the Housing Benefit Overpayment Policy be adopted.