Issue - meetings
Housing Benefit Overpayments Policy
Meeting: 16/04/2015 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 91)
91 Housing Benefit Overpayments Policy PDF 64 KB
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That the Committee welcomes the report and advises the Cabinet that it supports the policy.
The Benefits Manager introduced a report to seek input from the Committee on the draft Housing Benefit Overpayment Policy 2015 prior to its consideration by Cabinet on 21 April 2015.
She detailed the background to the report and highlighted the different reasons for why an overpayment could occur. Although the recovery of Housing Benefit Overpayments was included in the Council’s Fair Debt Policy, due to the specific nature of the debts and the guidance from the Department of Work and Pensions around recovery options, a specific policy was appropriate.
That the Committee welcomes the report and advises the Cabinet that it supports the policy.