Issue - meetings

Medium Term Plan for Library and Connects Services

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 138)


Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


The Cabinet Member for Education provided details of the future plans for library and Connects Services which included proposals for the development of a new library and Connects in two new locations.


The Council was facing the challenge of delivering services within reduced resources and plans of how to ensure an effective and sustainable network, with a maximum of 70% of current resources, was being considered. The report outlined the significant proposals to change the library network that would provide the best chance of ensuring an effective and sustainable network of library services.


There was a recognition that modern libraries needed to be situated in places that would have maximum footfall and the main library hubs for the future were proposed to be situated in Connah’s Quay, Mold, Buckley, Flint and Holywell.  In addition, the major attraction of Deeside Leisure Centre provided an opportunity for co-locating a library in a facility with major footfall that could serve three communities: Queensferry, Mancot and Hawarden.  The demand for the smaller libraries in Mynydd Isa, Saltney and Hope had reduced significantly and the management of the library buildings and provision of services in those locations was not sustainable.  However, the community asset transfer scheme, developed by the Council, gave communities an opportunity to take on those assets.


It was proposed that plans for linking library and Connects developments be made at Mold and Buckley. 


Broughton was a community with a growing population and there was a potential to provide some library services if integrated with another provision, such as Connects and it was proposed that a Connects Lite Service be developed.


The table in the report provided details of a medium term plan for library and Connects provision that had the best chance of providing effective and sustainable provision.  The plan could be implemented in stages and at each stage it was critical to consult with communities prior to final consideration of any proposal, with details of the dates and key stages being outlined.


The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance highlighted the budget savings local authorities were required to make and this report provided a statement of intent, with a formal decision to be taken by Cabinet following consultation with local communities and Overview and Scrutiny.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment expressed the importance of communication with local Members during the consideration of plans such as this, which was accepted. 


The Cabinet Member for Housing welcomed the report and said it was about saving services for local communities through alternative delivery. 




(a)       That developing an effective and sustainable network of libraries and Connects Services based on 6 hub locations in Connah’s Quay, Mold, Flint, Buckley, Holywell and Deeside Leisure Centre be committed to;


(b)       That the proposals for the development of a new hub library at Deeside Leisure Centre with services from Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry libraries being re-located to the new library, as outlined in the report, be consulted on;


(c)        That  ...  view the full minutes text for item 138