Issue - meetings
Officers' Code of Conduct
Meeting: 14/04/2015 - Flintshire County Council (Item 129)
129 Officers' Code of Conduct PDF 73 KB
Additional documents:
- FCC 14.04.15 Officers Code of Conduct - Appendix 1, item 129
PDF 255 KB
- FCC 14.04.15 Officers Code of Conduct - Appendix 2 Register of Interests Form, item 129
(a) That Council notes that the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service, expects and encourages all senior officers to make full disclosure in line with the intention of the Committee as one of his expectations of them in the interests of the highest standards of conduct in office.
(b) That Council endorses the revised Officers’ Code of Conduct in Appendix 1 with the exception of the mandatory register contained within Clauses 8.11 and 8.12, which would not be enforceable;
(c) That a voluntary register be introduced for Chief Officers, those Managers reporting to them and Officers having delegated powers to register their membership of all Clubs, societies and organisations as set out in paragraph 3.12; and
(d) That Welsh Government be asked to amend the mandatory provisions of the Officers’ Code of Conduct to require senior officers to register (as well as declare) their interests.
The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report to consider a recommendation from the Constitution Committee to adopt a revised Officers’ Code of Conduct. Councillor Clive Carver, having earlier declared an interest, left the meeting prior to its discussion.
The Democracy and Governance Manager detailed the background to the report. He explained that parts of the Officers’ Code were automatically incorporated into individual contracts of employment and these were shown in bold in appendix 1. The Constitution Committee had requested that paragraphs 8.11 and 8.12 be retained, but following advice from Counsel, it was recommended that these paragraphs be removed. In place of these paragraphs, it was suggested that the code be amended to introduce and maintain a voluntary register for Chief Officers, managers reporting directly to them and employees with delegated powers to register their membership of all clubs, societies and organisations. The Chief Executive indicated that the register would ensure transparency.
Councillor Robin Guest moved the recommendation and spoke of the discussions that had taken place when the item was considered at the Constitution Committee meeting.
(a) That Council notes that the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service, expects and encourages all senior officers to make full disclosure in line with the intention of the Committee as one of his expectations of them in the interests of the highest standards of conduct in office.
(b) That Council endorses the revised Officers’ Code of Conduct in Appendix 1 with the exception of the mandatory register contained within Clauses 8.11 and 8.12, which would not be enforceable;
(c) That a voluntary register be introduced for Chief Officers, those Managers reporting to them and Officers having delegated powers to register their membership of all Clubs, societies and organisations as set out in paragraph 3.12; and
(d) That Welsh Government be asked to amend the mandatory provisions of the Officers’ Code of Conduct to require senior officers to register (as well as declare) their interests.