Issue - meetings

GwE Constitutional Update

Meeting: 21/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 165)

165 North Wales Regional School Improvement Service (GWE) - Changes to Constitutional Arrangements pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


The Cabinet Member for Education provided details of the changes to the membership of the GwE Joint Committee in response to the adoption of the National Model for Regional Working.


Appendix 2 to the report provided details to the revision of the membership of the Joint Committee and the establishment of an Advisory Board and Management Board to support the Managing Director and Senior Management Team of GwE.


As part of the Joint Committee review, it was suggested that Gwynedd Standing Orders be adopted in relation to quorum which would mean, in the case of the Joint Committee, that three voting members would need to be present to effect a quorum. 




That the amended governance arrangements for GwE, the North Wales Regional School Improvement Service, be approved in order to comply with the requirements of the National Model for Regional Working.