Issue - meetings

Work of Pennaf Housing Association (Presentation)

Meeting: 24/04/2015 - Housing OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 73)

Work of Pennaf Housing Association (Presentation)

To receive a presentation by Mr Graham Worthington from Pennaf Housing Association and to meet with representatives of Pennaf Housing Association.


That the presentation be received.


The Chairman introduced Mr. Graham Worthinghton and his colleagues, Mr. Evans, Mr. Roberts and Mr. Moore to the Committee.


Mr. Worthington and Mr. Evans jointly provided a detailed presentation to the Committee about the work of Pennaf Housing Association, the key features of which were:-


·         Core Principles

·         Governance Structure

·         Areas of Operation

·         Housing Provision

·         General Needs

·         Care & Support

·         Extra Care

·         Community Activities

·         Development Schemes on Site

·         Yowley Road, Ewloe

·         Aston Mead, Queensferry

·         Flint Extra Care

·         Grow Your Own

·         Social Enterprise

·         2015/20 Proposals

·         Statutory Partners


On the issue of Extra Care facilities, Councillor Ray Hughes asked if consideration had been given to building extra care homes in rural areas.  Mr. Worthington responded that a rural model had been considered but there would be a need to determine whether such a proposal was financially viable and sustainable.  Mr. Evans gave an example of a joint venture that had been developed in Llanrwst for 40 units with a doctor’s surgery attached. 


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin spoke of the flats for over 50s in her ward, which she felt were very successful, and asked if there were any plans to develop similar properties to allow the older generation to move out of their larger homes to allow families to move into them.  Mr. Worthington agreed that there was a need and said that consideration would be given to what could be undertaken based on demands in areas. 


The Chairman thanked Mr. Worthington and Mr. Evans for their presentation. 




That the presentation be received.