Issue - meetings

Year End Chief Officer Performance Report (Education and Youth)

Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Year End Chief Officer Performance Report pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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That the report be noted.



The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced  the 2014/15 Year End Service Performance Report produced at Chief Officer level for Education and Youth.  He advised that a copy of the detailed Year End Chief Officer (Education & Youth) performance report was attached at Appendix 1 for consideration.   The report included the key information in terms of areas of positive performance and any areas of concern. 


                        Councillor Chris Bithell highlighted that the Authority still needed to take further key decisions in relation to school organisation to deliver efficient use of resources to benefit learners.


            Councillor David Healey referred to previous comments around the growing concerns on school readiness following approval by Cabinet of the updated School Modernisation Strategy and asked if a copy of the report and minutes, from the relevant Cabinet meeting could be provided to him.  The Chief Officer said that the team would be happy to discuss these issues with him if he wanted to get in contact following the meeting. 


            Councillor Carolyn Thomas raised concerns around pupils with behavioural problems affecting other pupils in schools.  The Chief Officer responded to the comments and referred to the use of early intervention strategies and pupil referral provision.  He explained that whilst the quality of pupil provision was currently adequate the Authority aspired to give better in terms of the improved involvement and quality of teaching and learning taking place within the Pupil Referral Unit.  He commented that there were too many young people out of mainstream schools in Key Stage 4 and said discussions were taking place with Secondary headteachers around an alternative course of provision to  keep young people engaged and within mainstream school at KS4.   Councillor Peter Curtis expressed concerns that additional pressures and responsibilities were being placed on schools


                Councillor Nancy Matthews asked what measures were taken if there was no improvement in a school where performance was causing concern.   The Chief Officer advised that there was a range of escalating statutory powers that could be applied, however, intervention between the school and the Authority usually resulted in a rapid improvement in standards. 




That the report be noted.