Issue - meetings

Review of Political Balance

Meeting: 14/04/2015 - Flintshire County Council (Item 130)

130 Review of Political Balance pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


That Council agrees to the changes to political balance shown in Appendix 2.



The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report to review the Council’s political balance calculations following a Member joining the Independent Alliance Group from the Liberal Democrat Group. 


The revised calculation in appendix A resulted in the Independent Alliance Group gaining three committee places with the Liberal Democrat Group losing three places.  Appendix 2 reflected the Council’s Committees in accordance with the rules identified in paragraph 2.02 of the report.  The third seat from Liberal Democrats had been shown against the Social and Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee but the rules also allowed the Liberal Democrats to lose a seat to the Independent Alliance on either the Environment or Community Profile & Partnerships Overview & Scrutiny Committee instead of Social and Health Care Committee. 


Councillor Mike Peers moved the recommendation in appendix 2 and this was duly seconded.  He added that as the Annual Meeting was only four weeks away, the Independent Alliance Group had agreed to accept what was reported in Appendix 2.  Councillor Robin Guest concurred.   




That Council agrees to the changes to political balance shown in Appendix 2.