Issue - meetings
Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report (Education and Youth)
Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)
11 Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Reports PDF 80 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Modernised and High Performing Education, item 11 PDF 226 KB
- Appendix 2 - Apprenticeships and Training, item 11 PDF 193 KB
(a) That the reports be noted; and
(b) That feedback be provided to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee who are responsible for the overview and monitoring of improvement targets.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced the 2014/15 Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee. He advised that the Report gives an explanation of the progress being made towards delivery of the impacts set out in the Improvement Plan. For the Education and Youth Overview and Scrutiny Committee the following Improvement Plan sub-priority reports were appended to the report:
- Modernised and High Performing Education
- Apprenticeships and Training
Referring to the GwE/Regional forums attended by the Lead Member, Director, Headteacher and Governor representatives, Mr. David Hytch said that he was no longer a member of this Forum and commented on the lack of Governor representation.
The Committee asked that its thanks be expressed to Kevin Grandfield, Secondary Phase Officer, for his support over the years and said that he had been an excellent officer who had always been willing to attend meetings to provide advice and assistance. The Chief Officer said that he would pass on the Committee’s thanks and best wishes to Kevin Grandfield.
(a) That the reports be noted; and
(b) That feedback be provided to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee who are responsible for the overview and monitoring of improvement targets.