Issue - meetings
Update on North East Wales Homes & Property Management
Meeting: 01/06/2015 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)
13 Update on North East Wales Homes & Property Management PDF 79 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the progress made by NEW Homes to date against Business Plan projections be noted; and
(b) That NEW Homes future Growth Strategy projections and proposals be noted.
The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) introduced a report to provide an update on North East Wales Homes (NEW Homes) first full year of operation and progress made against the Business Plan. She invited Mel Evans, Programme Manager, to provide an overview.
The Programme Manager provided background information and referred to the key considerations which were detailed in the report. He reported on the new build properties which had been secured through Section 106 Agreement, the landlord management offer, over 55 lease scheme, future growth strategy, Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP), and private borrowing.
The Chairman congratulated the Chief Officer and the Housing team on the significant work and progress achieved and invited Members to raise questions.
Councillor Paul Shotton reiterated the views which had been made by the Chairman and expressed his congratulations on progress made.
Councillor Amanda Bragg referred to the landlord management service launched by NEW Homes and queried how charges compared with the management fees charged by companies in the private sector. Officers responded to the comments made and explained that a key objective for NEW Homes was to provide access to a property that a person could not afford to rent in the private market.
(a) That the progress made by NEW Homes to date against Business Plan projections be noted; and
(b) That NEW Homes future Growth Strategy projections and proposals be noted.