Issue - meetings
Older People Strategy and Associated Developments
Meeting: 14/05/2015 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
7 Older People Strategy and Associated Developments PDF 104 KB
(a) That Members are assured that older people’s needs are adequately and
appropriately considered at all levels within the Local Authority; and
(b) That Members welcomed the content of the update and agree future
annual updates on progress against the Ageing Well in Flintshire plan
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report on the Local Authority’s response to the Older People’s Strategy and a number of associated developments. He introduced Karen Chambers, Well Being and Partnership Lead, and invited her to present the report.
The Well Being and Partnership Lead, provided background information and referred to the key considerations which were detailed in the report. She reported that a significant development at local level was the development of an Ageing Well in Flintshire Plan as part of a national approach led by the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales. Whilst the Ageing Well in Flintshire Plan would build on work that the Authority was doing and outlined what it would need to do with partners for the betterment of people’s wellbeing as they aged, it would also lead to benefits for individuals and communities across their life course. The Plan was being developed with input from colleagues from across the Council who would be instrumental in ensuring that the commitments made could be realised.
The Cabinet Member for Social Services paid tribute to the “good” work taking place for older people across Flintshire and referred to the increase in the number of 50+ Groups. She expressed her appreciation to Officers and their teams for their hard work and commitment.
Councillor Dave Mackie reiterated the Cabinet Member’s praise for 50+ Groups, however, he highlighted the challenges concerning a lack of volunteers and issues around transport. He commented on the difficulties experienced by some older people travelling to Group meetings and events.
(a) That Members are assured that older people’s needs are adequately and
appropriately considered at all levels within the Local Authority; and
(b) That Members welcomed the content of the update and agree future
annual updates on progress against the Ageing Well in Flintshire plan