Issue - meetings

Welsh Government Consultation on Council Tax Premiums for Second Homes and Long Term Empty Property

Meeting: 19/05/2015 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Welsh Government Consultation on Council Tax Premiums for second homes and long term empty property pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise), in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Management, to amend the consultation response in light of comments from the Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) provided information on Welsh Government (WG) consultations which sought views on the policy of giving Local Authorities discretionary powers regarding a council tax premium that they could apply to second homes and long term empty homes.


            The consultation paper sought views on the circumstances in which some long term empty or second homes might be exempt from the premium for time limited periods or indefinitely in some cases.  For long term empty homes, the ability to charge a premium rate of council tax could therefore apply in circumstances where a property was unoccupied after time limits, as indicated in the report.


            On second homes, local authorities already had discretion to vary council tax discounts or not to apply a discount.  The current policy of this Council was not to award a discount on second homes.  Local authorities would however also have new local powers to charge a council tax premium on second homes though WG also proposed a number of exemptions, some of which were time limited, for owners of second homes so they were not immediately affected by the council tax premium.


            The deadline for comments on the consultation document was 13 June and the report was scheduled to be reported to Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20 May.  It was agreed that as there was insufficient time to report back any comments from Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the next meeting of Cabinet on 16 June, as this was after the deadline, delegated authority would be given to the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise), in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Management, to amend the consultation response in light of any comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting. 


            In response to questions from the Cabinet Member for Education, the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) explained that checks were carried out on occupancy of mobile homes.  On empty homes, work had been robust on reducing the number of them significantly and time limits for properties being refurbished were in place.  On homes to let, checks were carried out to ensure that properties were being marketed at a realistic rate and the Council had the flexibility to impose additional charges if appropriate.




(a)       That the proposals to exempt certain properties from the Council Tax premium for periods as laid out in the consultation be supported; and


(b)       That delegated authority be given to the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Management, to amend the consultation response in light of comments from the Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.