Issue - meetings
Allocation of Sheltered Accommodation
Meeting: 01/06/2015 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 14)
14 Allocation of Sheltered Accommodation PDF 75 KB
(a) That the issues raised around the demand for some sheltered properties be noted; and
(b) That the proposal for the next phase of work to address the issues be supported.
The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) introduced a report on the issues affecting the level of demand for some sheltered housing properties in the County and to propose the next phase to explore solutions.
The Chief Officer introduced Katie Clubb, Community Support Services Manager, Nikki Evans, Senior Manager Council Housing, Julie Gorman, Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader, Jackie Perry, Housing Manager, and Tony Jones, Capital Works Team Manager, to the Committee. She invited the Senior Manager Council Housing to report on the main considerations as detailed in the report.
Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the growth in Extra Care accommodation and the further 143 units planned for 2017/18. He suggested that lowering of the age eligibility could be considered to meet the increased demand for smaller accommodation as a result of the Welfare Reform changes.
In response to a query from Councillor George Hardcastle, the Community Support Services Manager advised that the majority of people who applied for sheltered housing were over 60 and any exception outside the criteria would need to be agreed.
Councillor Peter Curtis expressed concerns around lowering the age eligibility for Extra Care accommodation and sheltered housing. He referred to the need to be aware of the potential for disruptive behaviour to arise if there were significant differences in age groups.
The Cabinet Member for Housing explained that to address the issues of low demand sheltered housing and future planning for the accommodation needs of an ageing population, it was proposed that an Officer led Working Group undertakes a full review and assessment of the sheltered housing stock in consultation with Local Elected Members and Cabinet Members. The Group would then make recommendations for consideration informed by local knowledge to make best use of the properties to meet housing need.
(a) That the issues raised around the demand for some sheltered properties be noted; and
(b) That the proposal for the next phase of work to address the issues be supported.