Issue - meetings

Melrose Consultation

Meeting: 14/05/2015 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Melrose Consultation pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That having regard to the outcome of the consultation, the Committee endorses the intention to proceed with Option 2, to transfer the service to a new organisation; and


(b)       That  the Committee agrees that Option 3 – transfer of day care to other Local Authority Day Centres, will also be used, as governed by the choice of service users.




The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report on the outcome of the consultation in order for the Committee to consider and comment on it.   He provided background information and commented that every effort had been made to consult with user services and their families.  The Chief Officer introduced Susie Lunt, Provider Services Manager, and invited her to give an overview of the key points around the consultation exercise.  


The Provider Services Manager advised that formal consultation had taken place with two events held on 3 and 4 February 2015. She explained that in addition to group consultations, face to face consultations had been held and written communications received from service users and their families.  She outlined the four options under consideration and reported on the outcomes of the consultation which were summarised in the report.  She advised that Option 1 had been fully supported, and that Option 2 was the second favoured option.  She advised that it was a requirement for the service users and their families that Option 2 would need to accommodate all service users within any new premises.


During discussion the Provider Services Manager responded to the questions and concerns raised by Members.  She explained that the Melrose Centre building had deteriorated and was in need of significant capital funding to make ‘fit for purpose’ in the future and therefore in view of the current financial restraints was on longer considered a realistic option.


The Chair expressed concerns around access to transport and associated cost for service users who wished to access day services in  other areas.  She asked that this be looked at sympathetically so that service users were not disadvantaged as a result of travelling costs.  The Provider Services Manager advised that a transport policy was in place and that applications for assistance would be treated sympathetically.




(a)       That having regard to the outcome of the consultation, the Committee endorses the intention to proceed with Option 2, to transfer the service to a new organisation; and


(b)       That  the Committee agrees that Option 3 – transfer of day care to other Local Authority Day Centres, will also be used, as governed by the choice of service users.