Issue - meetings
Gwaenysgor Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 32)
32 Gwaenysgor Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan PDF 77 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the report which sought approval of the Gwaenysgor Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.
Gwaenysgor was one of eight villages with conservation areas that had been previously selected for initial appraisal and public engagement work. Due to its compact size, the fact that Gwaenysgor had one of the earliest designated conservation areas, and the fact that public expectation had previously been raised as part of earlier community consultation, Gwaenysgor was selected as the first to bring forward a management plan for, with others to follow in the future.
The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) added that an Article 4 Direction to achieve control over the future replacement of features such as windows and doors to reinstate the lost architectural character would be introduced through the planning process with a report also being submitted to Cabinet.
(a) That the Gwaenysgor Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan be endorsed;
(b) That the principle of making an Article 4 Direction be endorsed; and
(c) That delegated authority be given to the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) to make necessary changes to allow the report to be finalised for publication.