Issue - meetings
Terms of Reference of the Committee (Environment)
Meeting: 04/06/2015 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 10)
10 Terms of Reference of the Committee PDF 49 KB
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That the report be received.
The Environment and Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced a report to advise the Committee of its Terms of Reference.
The changes to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee structure had been driven by simplifying the reporting lines for Overview & Scrutiny and to reduce the number of Committees that the Cabinet Members and Chief Officers needed to attend. The Facilitator explained that if any amendments were suggested to the Terms of Reference, these would need to be reported to the meeting of Constitution Committee which was due to be held on 1 July 2015. She added that some items that had been included in the Forward Work Programme for consideration by this Committee had been forwarded on to the Community & Enterprise Facilitator as they were now in the remit of the Community & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The areas that were within the remit of this Committee were reported on page 20.
That the report be received.