Issue - meetings
Terms of Reference of the Committee(Education & Youth)
Meeting: 15/06/2015 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)
4 Terms of Reference of the Committee PDF 49 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee deplore the removal of libraries and leisure services from the remit of the Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and
(b) That the Committee be fully informed of any future issues arising around dual use leisure centres where there would be an impact on schools.
The Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator advised that a new Overview & Scrutiny structure had been agreed at the Annual Council Meeting in May 2015 and therefore the Terms of Reference of each of the Committees had been reviewed.
The Committee was now responsible solely for education and youth service issues and issues such as Leisure Services and Libraries were now within the remit of the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Previously there were issues where the five statutory co-optees could speak but not vote, as their co-option related to education issues but they were now able to vote on all of the items which were within the remit of the Committee.
The Chairman expressed his significant disappointment at the loss of libraries and leisure strategy from the terms of reference for this Committee, particularly as a number of leisure centres were located within schools. Councillor Carolyn Thomas and Councillor Peter Curtis concurred and referred in particular to the leisure centre and school in Holywell.
In response, the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator advised that she would feed the comments back to the Member Engagement Manager and request that any items that related to schools and leisure centres be considered by both this and the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer suggested that the recommendation should be changed to read:-
‘That the Committee deplore the removal of libraries and leisure services from the remit of the Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee’.
This was duly seconded by Councillor Nancy Matthews. Councillor Thomas indicated that there were five Members who were on both Committees.
The Chairman referred to the link with libraries and continuing school provision and added that the Committee expected to be kept fully informed about dual use leisure centres because of the potential impact on schools.
On being put to the vote, the recommendation was carried unanimously.
(a) That the Committee deplore the removal of libraries and leisure services from the remit of the Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and
(b) That the Committee be fully informed of any future issues arising around dual use leisure centres where there would be an impact on schools.