Issue - meetings

Schedule of Member Remuneration

Meeting: 01/07/2015 - Constitution Committee (Item 5)

5 Schedule of Member Remuneration pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Report of Chief Officer (Governance)

Additional documents:


(a)       That the revised Schedule of remuneration be adopted;


(b)       That a less formal approach to Member absence through illness  be raised with Welsh Government;


(c)        That the publication of information regarding Member  salaries include appropriate explanatory notes  added to the schedule; and


(d)       That the Chief Officer (Governance) review how payments made to Members through outside bodies be reflected in the published information.




The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced a report to consider amending the format of the Council’s Schedule of Member Remuneration to reflect recent guidance issued by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (“The Panel”).  He provided background information and referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report.  He explained that appended to the report was a recommended revised Schedule of Member remuneration seeking to combine the best parts of the Panel’s proforma and the Council’s existing schedule.


Referring to the Authority’s current Schedule of Member Remuneration which was appended to the report, Councillor Chris Bithell  raised a concern relating to the guidance around the circumstances in which payment of the  senior allowance could be paid to Members. He referred to the matter of absence through long term sickness and asked if a more sympathetic approach could be adopted to Member absence through illness.  The Chief Officer (Governance) responded that the process was laid down in the Local Government Act 1972, and that the Welsh Government (WG) would need to change that legislation first.  He agreed to raise the point with WG.


Councillor Bithell  raised a further concern that the extent to which

Members contributed to Council business on a daily basis by attendance at meetings and events throughout the County was not recorded.  During discussion it was agreed that the inclusion of appropriate explanatory notes in the publication of information regarding Member  salaries be investigated.  Councillor Bithell also commented on the payment of co-opted member fees  and the payments made to Members through outside bodies.  He commented on the need for transparency and said it was important to review such arrangements to ensure that there was no duplication of payment under existing roles and responsibilities.    It was agreed that the Chief Officer (Governance) would   review how payments made to Members through outside bodies also  be reflected in the published information and report back to a future meeting.


In response to a query raised by Councillor Carver concerning the recording of Member activity as stated in paragraph 5.01, the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Authority was not required to keep records of such activity but was required to stipulate whether it did so or not.




(a)       That the revised Schedule of remuneration be adopted;


(b)       That a less formal approach to Member absence through illness  be raised with Welsh Government;


(c)        That the publication of information regarding Member  salaries include appropriate explanatory notes  added to the schedule; and


(d)       That the Chief Officer (Governance) review how payments made to Members through outside bodies be reflected in the published information.