Issue - meetings
Fostering Services Inspection Report
Meeting: 23/07/2015 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)
23 Fostering Services Inspection Report PDF 62 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Fostering Inspection report, item 23 PDF 146 KB
- Appendinx 2 Fostering Onspection Plan, item 23 PDF 41 KB
That the continuation of effective progress made by the Fostering Service in supporting foster carers and looked after children effectively be endorsed.
The Senior Manager Commissioning introduced a report to consider the Care and Social Services Inspection (2015) of the Flintshire Fostering Services and subsequent action plan (updated as of July 2015).
The Resources Service Manager explained that the purpose of the inspection was to ensure that the service was fit for purpose and that the Council was meeting the statutory regulations. The inspection team had identified a number of positive areas which were detailed in the report but there was also one area of non-compliance in which independent members of the Fostering Panel were employees of the Council. This had now been addressed with the appointment of two new members not employed by the Local Authority.
The Cabinet Member for Social Services indicated that the Fostering Team had won two accolades and there had been an increase in the uptake of foster carers. Events had been held to promote foster caring and the service was performing well.
In response to a question, the Resources Service Manager advised that Flintshire currently had 113 foster carers.
That the continuation of effective progress made by the Fostering Service in supporting foster carers and looked after children effectively be endorsed.