Issue - meetings

Vehicle Management System Policy

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 21)

21 Vehicle Management System Policy pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


That Environment and Overview Scrutiny recommends the Vehicle

Management System Policy (Appendix 1) to Cabinet for approval.



The Highway Network Manager introduced a report to seek the Committee’s recommendation to Cabinet for the approval of the proposed Vehicle Management System Policy for all fleet vehicles operated by the

Authority.  He provided background information and referred to the key considerations as detailed in the report and advised that a copy of the Vehicle Management System Policy was appended to the report for consideration.


            The Chair invited Members to raise questions.


The Highway Network Manager responded to the queries raised concerning driver identification and the use of driver fobs and the 3 month “settling in” period. 


In response to a question concerning responsibility for maintenance of vehicles, the Highway Network Manager confirmed that vehicle maintenance remained in-house. 


The Chair asked why 25% of vehicles were not going to be tracked.  The Highway Network Manager explained that 25% was the current position and that it was aimed to achieve 100% tracking moving forward. He commented that it was a requirement of the service area to justify usage of the vehicle.


In response to the further comments and questions raised around tracking and monitoring of vehicle use the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) outlined the purpose and benefits of the GPS Vehicle Management System (VMS) in terms of the health and safety protection of employees during their work and maximising the justification and efficiency of vehicle use.




That Environment and Overview Scrutiny recommends the Vehicle

Management System Policy (Appendix 1) to Cabinet for approval.