Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme (Community & Enterprise)
Meeting: 08/07/2015 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)
21 Forward Work Programme (Community & Enterprise) PDF 52 KB
Additional documents:
That the Forward Work Programme, as amended, be noted.
The Community and Enterprise and Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Committee.
The Facilitator advised that an all Member workshop had been arranged for 22 July 2015, for all Overview and Scrutiny Committees to populate their Forward Work Programmes for the remainder of the year. She advised that prior to the workshop she would be liaising with the Chair and the Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) to populate a draft Forward Work Programme for the Committee for the forthcoming year.
Members reviewed the current programme and agreed that the following item be considered at the next meeting to be held on 2 September 2015:
· Rent Arrears
That the Forward Work Programme, as amended, be noted.