Issue - meetings

Response from the Call In meeting

Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Response from the Organisational Change Call In meeting on the Medium Term Plan for Libraries pdf icon PDF 55 KB


As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Officer (Governance) provided details on the result of the call in of decision number 3173 – Medium Term Plan for Libraries – Proposal to Develop a New Hub Library at Deeside Leisure Centre and to Relocate Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry Libraries.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee was satisfied with the explanation received and the decision makers had been informed that the decision could be implemented.




That the decision of the Organisational Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Medium Term Plan for Libraries – Proposal to Develop a New Hub Library at Deeside Leisure Centre and Relocate Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry Libraries be noted.