Issue - meetings

Organisational Change Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 15/06/2015 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Organisational Change Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That  the Forward Work Programme as submitted, with the verbal amendments be approved;


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair be authorised to alter the forward work programme between meetings.



The Member Engagement Manager introduced the Forward Work Programme.  He drew attention to the Alternative Delivery Model workshop to be held on 29 June 2015 to which all Members had been invited.


            In response to a request from Councillor Carolyn Thomas the . Chief Officer (Organisational Change (1) ) agreed to provide further  information on the subject of play areas during consideration of the item on Community Asset Transfers which was scheduled on the Programme for the next meeting of the Committee on 21 July 2015.





(a)       That  the Forward Work Programme as submitted, with the verbal amendments be approved;


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair be authorised to alter the forward work programme between meetings.