Issue - meetings

School Service Level Agreements

Meeting: 17/09/2015 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 35)

School Service Level Agreement (Property Repair and Maintenance)

Additional documents:


            That the proposed Service Level Agreement covering Property Repairs and Maintenance be endorsed. 



                        The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced a report to provide an update on the development of the Service Level Agreement covering Property Repairs and Maintenance.  He provided background information and referred to the key considerations as detailed in the report.


                        During discussion the Chief Officer responded to the concerns raised around the cost of purchasing services from service providers and the need to ensure “fair pricing” when procuring external services.


                        Councillor Carolyn Thomas asked if Schools and Governing Bodies were aware of what  funding was available from S106 agreements. The Chief Officer agreed to speak to the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) about the matter. 


                        Councillor Veronica Gay asked if schools were able to undertake their own tendering process for repair and maintenance works.  The Chief Officer responded and referred to the guidance provided on the repair and maintenance works which came under the Authority’s responsibility and those which were the responsibility of schools.


                        Mrs. Rebecca Stark asked if reference could be made within the document to the guidance notes available to schools.  The Chief Officer  agreed to include the guidance notes within the body of the Service Level Agreement document. 




            That the proposed Service Level Agreement covering Property Repairs and Maintenance be endorsed.