Issue - meetings
Review of Member Development Strategy
Meeting: 01/07/2015 - Democratic Services Committee (Item 4)
4 Review of Member Development Strategy PDF 66 KB
Report of Chief Officer (Governance)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Review of Member Development Strategy, item 4
- Enc. 2 for Review of Member Development Strategy, item 4
That the Member Development Strategy be approved with the suggested
amendments being incorporated as indicated in paragraphs 3.01 and 3.02 of
the report.
The Member Engagement Manager Manager introduced a report on a review of the Member Development Strategy. He provided background information and advised that a copy of the recently updated Strategy was appended to the report.
The Member Engagement Manager advised that a review of the Strategy provided the opportunity to refresh its provisions to reflect initiatives that had recently been introduced. To reflect this he explained that it had been suggested that a new paragraph be added to the Strategy, following paragraph 3.4, as detailed in the report. The Committee was asked to put forward and consider any alterations it believed appropriate to the Strategy as indicated in the key considerations in the report and any work that should be undertaken to improve delivery of the Strategy.
Councillor Chris Bithell referred to the information in paragraph 3.05 of the report that arrangements are in place for each Member to have the opportunity of having an annual personal development meeting with a Senior Member to identify their training and development needs. He sought clarification around the reference to a Senior Member and queried whether such an arrangement was necessary. The Member Engagement Manager advised that there was a requirement for such an arrangement to take place. The Chief Officer (Governance) commented that Members may have personal aspirations and may wish to discuss how they could develop their political career. They may feel uncomfortable raising such matters with Officers. Councillor Clive Carver suggested that the wording be amended to read Senior Member or Officer as Members may wish to discuss training concerning matters such as IT for example. The Member Engagement Manager explained that despite Officer representations the WLGA had retained the reference to Senior Member in the wording of the Charter. The Chair commented on the opportunity afforded to Members to raise training and development needs at the Annual Personal Development meeting.
Councillor Chris Bithell referred to Appendix 2, paragraphs 53 and 54, and raised a concern in relation to the scrutiny process and Cabinet decision making and referred to the previous Committee structure. The Chief Officer (Governance) responded to the comments and referred to the role of scrutiny in contributing meaningful comment and response.
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed a concern regarding the format of the wording in the appendices to the report and said there was a problem concerning the spacing of text.
That the Member Development Strategy be approved with the suggested
amendments being incorporated as indicated in paragraphs 3.01 and 3.02 of
the report.