Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 21)

21 Annual Governance Statement pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


That the Annual Governance Statement attached to the Statement of Accounts be approved.


The Internal Audit Manager introduced a report to consider and approve the draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2014/15 which had been incorporated in the previous agenda item.  The report detailed the work involved in producing the AGS, which was a statutory requirement, and preparations had involved the use of relevant guidance with input by senior officers and Members.  As a result of the informal review of the draft AGS which had taken place prior to the June meeting, an amendment had been made to the section on in-year business planning to reflect the new risk management arrangements.  No further queries had been raised with the Internal Audit Manager since the review.


The Chief Executive spoke about the level of work committed by officers to update governance arrangements and the approach to risk.




That the Annual Governance Statement attached to the Statement of Accounts be approved.