Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme (Environment)
Meeting: 16/09/2015 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 32)
32 Forward Work Programme (Environment) PDF 51 KB
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That the Forward Work Programme be noted.
The Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the forward work programme of the Committee. She advised Members that the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 3 December 2015 would be held at Wepre Park, Connah’s Quay.
In response to Members’ comments on the proposed works on the A55/A494 and the update to be provided at the meeting of the Committee on 21 October 2015, the Chief Officer agreed to circulate a briefing note to the Committee on the timescales for proposals and consultation.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) referred to a briefing note which had been prepared and circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting to update on the recently installed traffic calming scheme on Bagillt High Street. He explained that work and discussions were ongoing.
It was agreed that the following report be added to the list of items scheduled for the next meeting of the Committee on 21 October:-
· Consultation Process for the Introduction of Traffic Calming and Other Highway Safety Features
That the Forward Work Programme be noted.