Issue - meetings
Feedback on Member Development Events
Meeting: 01/07/2015 - Democratic Services Committee (Item 7)
7 Feedback on Member Development Events PDF 49 KB
Report of Chief Officer (Governance)
Additional documents:
That the report be received and that it be noted that Councillor Dave Mackie
had made representations to the Democracy & Governance Manager about an
external trainer’s performance.
The Member Engagement Manager introduced a report to provide feedback on the Member development events held since last reported to the Committee. He referred to the development events which had been held in January, March and June 2015 and advised that the feedback received for each of the events was appended to the report. He reported that feedback had been generally positive although attendance at one of the events had been disappointingly low. Members were invited to comment on their experience of any events attended or make suggestions for the improvement of future events.
Councillor Davie Mackie expressed his dissatisfaction with the training which had been provided by an external trainer at one specific event and he said he had forwarded his comments to the Democracy and Governance Manager for information. He also commented on the “embarrassment” caused when external trainers were engaged to provide training events but only a small number of Councillors were in attendance at the session.
That the report be received and that it be noted that Councillor Dave Mackie
had made representations to the Democracy & Governance Manager about an
external trainer’s performance.