Issue - meetings

Senior Management Structure

Meeting: 30/07/2015 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)

Education and Youth Senior Management Restructure

Additional documents:


            That the revised structure be recommended to Cabinet at its meeting on the 6 August 2015.



                        The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced a report on a new management structure in Education and Youth delivering reductions in costs, providing opportunities for career development and meeting organisational design objectives.  He provided background information and referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report.   He reported  on the proposed new structure which was outlined in appendix 3 to the report and advised that voluntary solutions had been provided in terms of changes to the existing  structure.


                        Mrs. Rita Price raised concerns that there was no reference to educational partners or other providers of education in the new structure and that there was a danger in treating all schools the same. The  Chief Officer responded to the concerns raised and gave an assurance that partnership working was recognised as important and would be fully reflected in strategic planning. 


                        In response to the concerns raised by Councillor Carolyn Thomas the Chief Officer advised that the Council had a very positive working relationship with headteachers of schools both individually and collectively.  With a fewer and smaller cohort of senior managers there would be more peer to peer support.




            That the revised structure be recommended to Cabinet at its meeting on the 6 August 2015.