Issue - meetings

The Development of a Community Benefit Training Academy

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 69)

69 The Development of a Community Benefit Training Academy pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Aaron Shotton introduced the report to seek approval for the creation of a Community Benefit Training Academy (CBTA) as a vehicle to deliver jobs and training opportunities.  The project illustrated that capital funding could provide hope and investment in the County.  He welcomed the report and the project. 


Councillor Helen Brown said that the project was unique to Flintshire and would allow the apprentices to complete their course with the same employer and receive a qualification at the end of the scheme.  Councillor Derek Butler commented on the national commitment for apprenticeships, some of which were poorly paid, and spoke of the importance of ensuring that the project was positively publicised. 


The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) commented on the positive and exciting opportunity that would provide high quality apprenticeships.  The project would be flexible and would allow placements to be changed if they were not suitable for the apprentice.  She commented on the work to be undertaken to ensure that schools were aware of the options of training in work and close working with Coleg Cambria would also be undertaken.  She reassured Members and the press that the scheme was totally self-financed and in addition to the job creation, community initiatives would also be developed; these were detailed in the report. 


Councillor Kevin Jones welcomed the proposals and the flexible aspect to the scheme.  He queried whether a pre-apprenticeship scheme would form part of the project which could allow apprentices to sample a variety of subjects available to them before they chose the field that they wanted to work in.  The Chief Officer indicated that she would discuss this option with Coleg Cambria. 


Councillor Billy Mullin welcomed the report and the career opportunities that the project would allow for the apprentices.  Councillor Shotton commented on the importance of raising the profile of the positive scheme locally.  He also spoke of the good working relationship that the Council had with Coleg Cambria and queried whether it was felt that the scheme could be widened to other local employers in the future.  The Chief Officer said that options to expand the scheme could be considered and discussions could take place with businesses in the area.  Councillor Kevin Jones indicated that he would pursue the suggestions with the Consortium of Local Authorities in Wales (CLAW) framework group.          




(a)       That the creation of the Community Benefit and Training Academy (CBTA) to manage the implementation of the community benefit commitments be approved; and


(b)       That a new post to manage and administer the function and services of the academy be approved.