Issue - meetings

Strategic Equality Plan annual report 2014/15 and Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2014/15

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Strategic Equality Plan annual report 2014/15 and Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Billy Mullin introduced the report to present the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2014/15 and Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2014/15 for adoption.  He expressed concerns about some aspects of the scheme, particularly the funding element. 


                        The Chief Executive advised that the report identified areas of good practice undertaken by the Council and the areas for improvement.  He commented on the draft Welsh Language Standards that had been consulted on by Welsh Government and said that a risk had been identified by the Council about the uniformity required across all Welsh Local Authorities.  This and other element of the standards had been challenged as it was not felt that uniformity should be applied; the outcome was awaited.  It was felt that there could be implications because the standards included the proposal that all committee papers be bilingual which would become a new budget pressure for the Council and have implications on time because the report deadlines would need to be earlier to allow for translation.  The comment had been submitted to WG that this should not be a requirement for the Council for all committee papers but it was intended that documents such as the Medium Term Financial Strategy would be available bilingually.  Councillor Kevin Jones felt that the cost implications if this was required by WG could result in the loss of other services due to funding cuts.                     




(a)       That Cabinet is assured that adequate progress has been made during the year to meet our statutory duties;


(b)       That Cabinet recommend that Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee monitor progress of the revised SEP and the implementation of the new Welsh Language Standards as part of their forward work programme; and


(c)        That the publication of the reports on the Council’s website and the submission of the Welsh Language Scheme annual report to the Welsh Language Commissioner be agreed. 

