Issue - meetings
Quarter 1 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report
Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 67)
67 Quarter 1 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report PDF 133 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Quarter 1 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report, item 67 PDF 459 KB
- Enc. 2 for Quarter 1 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report, item 67 PDF 78 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Billy Mullin introduced the report to present the monitoring of progress for the first quarter of 2015/16 on the Improvement Plan. He commented on the significant amount of work that had been undertaken on monitoring the plan.
The Chief Executive spoke of the positive report and the progress that had been made with nearly 84% of activities likely to achieve the desired outcome and 69.5% of the performance indicators having met or exceeded target for the quarter. The report identified the areas of concern and the risks faced by the Council and the Chief Executive confirmed that risks would be monitored by the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
The Policy and Performance Manager explained that the report highlighted areas of underperformance or higher risk which could be because of complex cases such as the number of days taken to deliver a Disabled Facilities Grant for children. She felt that it was important to acknowledge that performance indicators did not tell the whole story but added that other examples provided reassurance of the work that was being undertaken.
The Chief Executive advised that the ‘how to guide’ for the Improvement Plan was to be shared with Overview & Scrutiny Committees and could also be circulated to Members and the press if required.
(a) That the following be agreed:
· The levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of high level activities which seek to deliver the impacts of the Improvement Plan;
· The performance against improvement plan performance indicators; and
· The current risk levels for the risks identified in the Improvement Plan
(b) That Cabinet Members be assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2015/16 Improvement Priority impacts.