Issue - meetings

Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 85)

85 Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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(a)          That the forward work programme as amended at the meeting be approved; and


(b)               That the Member Engagement Manager in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair be authorised to alter the forward work programme between meetings. 


The Member Engagement Manager introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Committee.


                        He referred to the meeting on 17th March 2016 and explained that the main item would be a presentation on the 101 service from Superintendent Alex Goss of North Wales Police.  A report on the use of Consultants had been requested and would be submitted to the meeting along with the Quarter 3 Workforce Information.  The Welsh Language Standards would not be ready for consideration on 17th March 2016 but would be considered at a future meeting. 


On the 14th April 2016, the Regional Director from British Telecom (BT), Alwen Williams, would be in attendance following a request from the Committee in June 2015 to receive an update on concerns raised.  The Chief Executive explained that a general update would be provided along with more specific information on fibre-speed.  The Chairman indicated that he also required information on problems with nuisance calls.  Councillor Peter Curtis suggested that BT had no control over calls from abroad.  In response to a question from Councillor Ian Smith, the Chief Executive confirmed that the update would include information on the internet speed on the Deeside Enterprise Zone.  He also advised that the Regional Director was also a member of the Deeside Enterprise Zone Board.  Councillor Shotton explained that he had held discussions at the Deeside Industrial Park Forum on the issue of internet speed and added that he would continue to raise the issue with the Minister.  He welcomed the invitation extended to the Regional Director to attend a meeting of the Committee. 


Councillor Richard Lloyd welcomed the attendance at future meetings by Superintendent Alex Goss and Alwen Williams. 


The Chief Executive spoke of working with BT as a sponsor on the issue of community access.  He explained that the reason for deferring the Welsh Language Standards report was because the Council was awaiting responses on queries relating to the document.  The report on the use of consultants would identify costs associated with their use, why they were used and the issue of value for money.  He had hoped that the update on Emergency Planning could be considered earlier than June 2016 and advised that there was a need to include the MTFS on the FWP for April and May 2016.  In response to a comment from Councillor Richard Jones that there were too many items for consideration at the June 2016 meeting, the Chief Executive suggested that the Emergency Planning update could be considered in April 2016. 


The Chairman asked if a briefing on what would be expected by a new WG following the elections in May 2016 could be considered at the 12 May 2016 meeting but the Chief Executive felt that the suggested meeting would be premature. 


Councillor Arnold Woolley suggested that a report on ‘Age Friendly Societies’ could be considered at a future meeting of the committee.  The Chief Executive felt that this was part of the Local Service Board priority  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85