Issue - meetings

2015/16 Q3 Improvement Plan Monitoring (Education & Youth)

Meeting: 28/04/2016 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 80)

80 Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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            That the report be noted. 



The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced a report to present the monitoring of progress for the third quarter of 2015/16 focusing on the areas of underperformance relevant to the Committee. 


                        He commented on the high level (RED) risk area in relation to the limited funding available to address the backlog of known repair and maintenance works in Education and Youth assets.  The risk was showing a continuing pattern of red and the Chief Officer advised that significant issues were being noted in school inspections, particularly in relation to toilet provision. 


                        Mr. David Hytch indicated that he had regularly raised the issue during the budget consultation process.  It was reported that School Modernisation remained a key tool in enabling the Authority to invest appropriately in its school portfolio, and this would involve a reduction in schools within the Council’s portfolio and a reduction of unfilled places.   




            That the report be noted.