Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 85)

85 REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING 2015/16 (MONTH 4) pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Corporate Finance Manager provided the latest revenue budget monitoring position for 2015/16 for the Council Fund and Housing Revenue Account.  The position was based on actual income and expenditure as at Month 4 and projected forward to year end.  The projected year end position, as estimated at Month 4 was:


Council Fund

  • Net in year expenditure forecast to be £0.425m higher than budget
  • Projected contingency reserve balance at 31 March 2016 of £4.111m


Housing Revenue Account

  • Net in year expenditure forecast to be £0.002m higher than budget
  • Projected closing balance as at 31 March 2016 of £1.235m


Changes in the revised budget were mainly due to the transfer of budget from Social Services to Central and Corporate as a result of the one off efficiency reported in Month 3 in relation to the Independent Living Fund (ILF).


The report provided details on the programme of efficiencies, inflation, unearmarked reserves and earmarked reserves.


Councillor Kevin Jones said recycling was going through a volatile period with fluctuating re-cycle sale values which was likely to impact on 2015/16 recycling income levels for the Council.  This would be monitored throughout the year and he had also raised it with the Minister.




(a)       That the overall report and the projected Council Fund contingency sum as at 31 March 2016 be noted; and


(b)       That the projected final level of balances on the Housing Revenue Account be noted.