Issue - meetings

054135 - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 2, 14 & 18 Following Grant of Planning Permission: 042468 at Parry's Quarry, Pinfold Lane, Alltami

Meeting: 24/02/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 124)

124 Application for Variation of Condition Nos 2, 14 & 18 Following Grant of Planning Permission: 042468 at Parry's Quarry, Pinfold Lane, Alltami (054135) pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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            That the application be deferred to allow clarification of the amendments to the conditions and the reasons for the changes. 


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 22 February 2016.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. 


                        The Senior Minerals and Waste Officer detailed the background to the report and explained that the application was linked to the previous application.  It was to amend three conditions relating to the inclusion of a new access proposed under application 054050 (condition 2), the restriction of the site access to that currently consented (condition 14) and to the improvements to the site access and the junction of Pinfold Lane with the A494 (condition 18).  She drew Members’ attention to the late observations where an amendment to paragraph 1.04 and to condition 14 were reported.  The full list of conditions had been made available to Members prior to the meeting.  The amendment to condition 14 would allow the operator to continue to use the existing site whilst constructing the landfill, providing sufficient time for details reserved by condition to be secured and for the construction of the new access to be completed.  Once constructed, the new access would be used as an access and egress point for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) with the existing access being used by cars and light vehicles only.  On the issue of condition 18, there had originally not been any requirement to improve the highway but Welsh Government (WG) had issued a direction that permission be withheld pending the submission of suitable information/evidence.  The applicant had now proposed highway improvements which were the same as the original application and included the widening of Pinfold Lane.  WG had now directed that any planning permission include a number of conditions to include adequate provision for vehicles to turn, wheel washing facilities and full details of highway improvement works to be provided.    The Senior Minerals and Waste Officer said that this was a Section 73 application and therefore was in effect a new planning permission for the whole site which was why there were a large number of conditions attached.  When considering the application, there was a need to consider all of the conditions applied to the applications for the site, not just the ones that the applicant was asking for variations on.  She understood Councillor Carol Ellis’ comment about the condition being proposed by a Planning Inspector which were imposed following a significant amount of deliberation and discussion.  The amendments proposed did not significantly or fundamentally change the controls at the site and in many cases there was a need for additional schemes to be submitted such as on the issue of landscaping and protected species to tie all of the schemes on the site together.  The Section 73 application would ensure that all of the conditions were appropriate and fit for purpose. 


Mr. S. Amos, the applicant, spoke in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 124